The Art of Vibrational Healing- "Flowerpuncture" 3 days workshop

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The Art of Vibrational Healing with the Buddhafield
Flower Essences- "flowerpuncture"
3 days workshop

Nature and especially flowers can be used for a deep and profound healing, and be a great support for meditation and your own flowering.
The 33 Buddhafield Flower essences  are the most subtle energies of flowers created by Sambhavya in Osho Buddhafield in Poona, India.
They are used as a vibrational healing method- "Flower puncture", developed by Ma Anand Sambhavya to help your life energy to flow and support health, deep relaxation, meditation, inner joy and bliss in your life.
In this 3 days workshop you will learn:
  • How to bring understanding and healing to the main issues in your life.
  • You will experience the different flowers qualities, the chakras and how to read your energy (Aura) and others energy fields by using the Buddhafield flower essences and flowers' cards.
  • You will learn how to choose  flower essences and the method of FLOWER-PUNCTURE to help balance the chakras and subtle bodies, support inner peace, love, meditation and  transformation.
Communion with nature-*
We will also do some special work out in the nature
* Recommended for healers and body- workers as a tool for reading and supporting your clients healing procces.  

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The Art of Vibrational Healing- "Flowerpuncture" 3 days workshop
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The Art of Vibrational Healing- "Flowerpuncture" 3 days workshop The Art of Vibrational Healing- "Flowerpuncture" 3 days workshop