Welcome to Sambhavya's new website

 It is All about our own flowering....
Using Buddhafield Flower Essences and Flower Cards for therapy, healing, meditation and spiritual Transformation

Beloved friends,

My name is Ma Anand Sambhavya,

"when you actualize your potential Bliss is yours…" was the message of my spiritual master Osho at the time of my initiation at 1980. He talked to me in metaphors of flowers…I did not know then, that flowers are going to be my way to discover the divine…I'm very happy to share with you my new site  and my discoveries  of the last 35 years, of inner research - The alchemy of tuning to the natural self...

I was invited by nature to create the Buddhafield Flower Essences Tm, to help each of us to reconnect with the essence, and assist us to rediscover who we really are and to unblock our potential. You are invited to read more in this site about how the flowers can help us to heal and align our physical and subtle bodies and support us in healing and balancing different issues in our life.

 flower essences canbe used for: Stress, Anxiety, depreession, anger, loneliness, grief, sleep, weight loss...can be used for your animals too.
You are invited to join my friends' list and recieve my selected videos as free gift for you- fill up your name and mail on top of this page.

You are welcome to write me any time - Contact me

With Love Sambhavya.

Sambhavya, an Osho therapist and healer, teaches vibrational healing trainings with Buddhafield flower Essences & Tantric Transformation courses. Created the Flower Essences of the Buddhafield Tm, at Osho international resort, Pune, India. she is also the author of the book "Communion with Nature".
The Essences are charged with high vibrations of the the 'Buddhafield', and by integrating them in workshops, each process is deepened and empowered. Sambhavya is based in Israel after 25 years of studying and leading groups & courses in Osho International Multiversity in Pune India, Japan, USA, Europe & South America. She is still travealing around the globe, sharing her unigue teachings.

Contact Sambhavya at:
Tel. +972-052-4860131 or sambhavyaa@gmail.com or via facebook.
Do you want to know more about Sambhavya's teachings around the world? Watch the VIDEO  interview with Sambhavya, By the co-director of the spiritual magazine Meditationfrance.


"Book:"Communion with Nature
Our price: $ 25
Including VAT
Set of the Buddhafield Flower essences
Our price: $ 580
Including VAT
One essence bottle of your chice
Our price: $ 25
Including VAT
Energetic Jewelry
Price before: 94
Our price: $ 85
Including VAT
Flower Cards for Healing
Price before: 72
Our price: $ 65
Including VAT
Online session
Our price: $ 65
Including VAT