Osho News Online Magazine

Sambhavya, creator of the Buddhafield Flower Essences, talks to Punya.

When did your love affair with flowers start?

I was once told that in my past life I was a native American and one day left my tribe to look for the secret of nature. I was alone in nature, all by myself and during an earthquake a large rock fell on me and I died.

In this life I grew up in Israel – though feeling more of a foreigner there – and already at sixteen knew I had to find something in this life, but was sad because I did not know what it was. I went to the Sinai desert praying, “What is it that I need to do in this life?”

When I was twenty-one I travelled to Europe, on my own, and became acquainted with the Bach Flowers. They looked like absolute magic. That was the beginning of my exploration into flower energies. I rarely used the book that accompanies the Bach flower bottles. The moment I put away my skeptic mind I could feel the vibrations of the flowers through the bottles. One healer, an American woman called Bonnie, encouraged me in her class to experience them in this way. I still thank her for that.

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