Thank you for your sweet message and invitation.
I had a little visit at your website and it really touches me…
Funny enough I found back your little booklet and I went to buy the papaya bottle,
Which I use now these days..
Feels very good.
I had a nice hibiscus flowering on my balcony, so I send you a picture.
Also the bougainvillea and the other small one are on my balcony..
My love and gratitude for your beauty and sensitivity

With love
Beloved old friend Hariprem

I will never forget how you came to visit me short before you left  India to Holland.

You told me about having disturbing sounds in your ears for many years, and i had only 10 minutes to diagnose you and prepare some essences for you to go with...after 24 hours you sent me a mail, telling me about powerful healing experience you had at Bombay airport...after that you had no disturbing sounds any more...just disappeared.
All the love
Dear Sambhavya,

I feel happy to have met you and to have been able to spend time with you in the workshops and private sessions. I would have loved to come again before you left, and get another 'dose' of you, but it did not work out that way. However, I feel I still have a lot of material that I can carry around with me and that influences me in a positive way. Thank you for your generosity, warmth, space, healing, flowers and enjoyment.
Hope we meet again.

Travel safely,

Amsterdam August 2008

Some words about my feelings about a Session with BuddhaFlowerEssence

First week after session I had several dreams and on the fourth night I woke up Laughing….I haven’t been laughing in dreams for many years ! Now I sleep very very deep and Good

I have been more gracius to myself and other`s around me.

I feel more calm and relax about things happening around me.

I have been more kind to my family at home. No fights with the kids and they are more loving against me.

Sometimes out walking I can feel my body strengthen out. I feel like an Avatar. 3 meters tall, high above ground and just floating when I`m walking. A very special feeling . After a talk with Sambhavya she explained it to be the essence helping me to deeper Consciusness !

One of the Flowers I got in my mix where for the Heartopening.

I can really feel me softer in the heart and have more easy to tears and that is so good. I have some sorrow I have to get rid off and it`s coming !


I am so very Thankful for this opportunity is given me to meet Sambhavya and her BuddhaFieldFlowersEssense.

From my heart I can recommend YOU to have a session with Sambhavya !

With All Love


From  Sweden.

The story of Frauke Binder from Austria about the Energetic Jewelry

The first time I got to know Sambhavyas' Essences was on a big conference for Breath work. I was quite excited, under high tension and suffered from culture shock. It was also unusual for me to be with so many people at the same time. Sambhavya encouraged me to try the Anti-Stress Mix. I could feel the flowers working from the very first minute – it was like putting on a coat when you feel cold. Soon my tension was gone. I really felt protected by the flowers and even noticed it when I took the necklace off for a short time to go to the shower or to swim in the sea.

Back in Austria, I was so glad when the package from Israel came with the women's essence and the anti-stress! But I realized that I didn't need the stress-bottle any more, I simply "forgot" about it. Now it was time to try the women's. I was wearing it now for weeks and even forgot about it hanging around my neck. Again, I felt the support in all women's issues from the flowers, its subtle vibrancy worked without me noticing it and I also started attracting men.

Soon, I started ordering essences for my friends in Austria, among them the Healer's Essence. I was wondering what it was like and put it on for a few hours. But the essences are not for trying them out "just so"... After taking the necklace off my skin showed a red spot where the bottle had been hanging, and it took a while until it disappeared. My body had set a clear signal: I don't need this! And the flowers were probably also not amused being "tried out".

Wearing the essences is also taking into account that they are strongly working on the system, often without us noticing it. I sometimes only realized what kind of impact they have when I took them off. The flowers became protectors and supporters for me. And I know that I am settled when I just "forget" to put them on.

Meanwhile my friends report about the good energy of the flowers. My one friend (5 children, divorce, struggling to find herself as a woman again, not only mother) reports, that she wears the women's together with a rose quartz and she feels so supported in all women's matters. You should have seen her when she unpacked the essence - she was so much looking forward.
The other woman, my neighbor, goes with the anti-stress now that I borrowed her for trying. As I wrote to you she has a 19month old little boy and is pregnant, her partner left her. She feels calmer now; things that would make her feel set up are not that disturbing any more.