Auric Protection

As Yarrow strengthens the aura, it helps to protect one from negative energies such as negative thoughts, disturbed emotions and psychic attacks.

It is a flower for over-sensitive or vulnerable people that have the tendency to shrink and close themselves and feel the need for psychic protection. Yarrow helps those people by expanding and strengthening their auras so that they can be open to nourishing experiences that support their growth.

Often yarrow is an important key essence that helps one to go deeper into relaxation and meditation.

It is a particularly useful essence for anyone working with people or in over crowded places as it relieves tiredness and heavy-headedness associated with constant contact with many different energies.
By adding a few drops to water in a spray bottle, this essence can be used externally for:

1.Strengthening and cleaning our auras.

2.Cleaning a room’s energy from any negative vibrations. (Good to use in sessions and group therapy rooms).

3.Strengthening the auras of plants, giving protection from diseases and parasites.

It also gives protection in highly polluted areas. Good to use when traveling.

Taken over a period of time, Yarrow aids the development of telepathic abilities.